Emotional barriers of Language

I did not plan to start this blog with a monologue about languages or cultures (Im not a rasist). It is what it is. The language barrier situation finally triggered my mind and created an idea for the theme.

As much as I lived in London (before brexit, dunno what happened after.I was already gone back to my birth country-Lithuania) there was no drama for language barrier. Everyone talked "International" English. If not, most of the visitors open mindedly tryed to speak in gestures or any other way, and it was always acceptable.

Here in Lithuania situation is a bit different. We are a close neigbour of Russia and Poland. Deeep roots of history are settled here, and sometimes you dont know what to feel for travelers who might not want to try and put an effort into a conversation that does not involve their own language.  I am not perfect in English. But I try. I still have some Portuguese and Spanish basics in my mind. But Russian was never my thing.I did not have anyone close to me who spoke in Russian Language often. But I still try. I do understand the basics if it involves my speciality at work, and I definitely know how to politely say- Sorry, I do not understand your language. The problem is, that Lithuanians and Russians are like British and Scottish, they are close, they have history, but they still kind of hold the grudge against eatch other. Most of Lithuanians feel hyped-up when Russians spill the beans by the counter totally ignoring that they are not in their own country, and Russians gets frustrated when you tell them that you do not speak in their language. Here comes the Selfish part. Both wants to be understood, but none of them wants to put effort to make it even.

Most of Lithuanian patriots would say:
-They live in here, in our country, they know our language , but they dont want to show it.
(Sounds harsh, mostly true)
So it does sound like a thing of honor and selfishness to promote your inner ethnicity.....

But us Lithuanians are no better.
-Why do I have to put effort into this conversation? I do not need to know other languages. It is my country.
Sounds fair but closed-minded. One more time selfish and unwelcoming...

Some foreigners would say the same thing, just because we were occupied by Russia ages ago:
-How the hell you dont know this language? You must!It has to be your second language.

Mostly because older generations were fluent in both languages decade ago.

So all in all , I would say, that this disagreement and most of discust in this aspect comes from the past grudges. Kids run out of patience when looking at older generations that does not want any innovations and progress slowly establishing their opinion that, none of the sides wants to come out of their comfort zone. Once again ,the past is holding us back from brighter future.

I am not saying "everyone". I am not saying "someone" is a bad person. I am not saying that one of the culture is worse than another. NO.

All this article came from personal experience. There is more to be said that involves inner feeling connected to selfishess and anger.

To be continued.

